You may have fed raw before, or not. You might know raw food handling procedures like the back of your hand, or not. Here are some basic things that are specific to Fetching Foods you ...
UPDATED Air-cargo Details: Fetching Foods sells directly to you, the customer. We’re not found in stores because our food is made fresh just for your pet when you order. That means you can grab your food ...
You suspected something was wrong with your beloved cat, so you brought him to the vet. One of several reliable tests that indicate pancreatic health were run like the fPLI and/or ELISA, combined with historical, physical ...
Is your dog or cat picky, finicky, or some other colorful term you use to describe their eating habits? Maybe you’re moving to a new food and they need a nudge to switch-over. There is ...
Let’s talk about Plant Matter, what you call fruits and vegetables. (Companion video here.) If you’re a raw feeder you’ve seen lots of information on the internet about how to feed ‘the right way’. There ...
We primarily use duck and/or chicken eggs in our dog and cat meals. The whole egg, shell and all. Eggs are a near-perfect food, with complete amino acids, phosphorus-calcium balance, fats, rich nutrients, and ...