
I hear stories like this rather frequently as you might guess, nearly weekly in fact.  But this one story stood out for some reason. A person has fed her dogs Fetching Foods samples, loves it, ...

This is the first Fetching Foods magazine article.  The publisher framed the article to memorialize it. Very cool. Here’s the article’s text: Where did you grow up?  How long have you lived in the area?  ...

You look at the label, comparison shop, find the best food for your dog or cat. You’re paying a bunch for it too, so it must be good, right? There’s so much marketing sleight-of-hand with ...

Video here It’s well known that protein, and the quality of the protein, is important for the maintenance and development of you pet’s skin and coat. Hair is more than 90% protein.  Skin and hair, ...

A companion video is located here: Ever hear the saying, “an ounce of prevention’s worth a pound of cure”? When it comes to medical issues, Americans prefer to handle diseases with cures rather than ...

If you have a pet that’s afraid of fireworks, like our ridgeback Rosie, then you might want to take a few steps to ease her fear. There are desensitization programs that you can put them ...