To answer the question simply: yes, you can. Perhaps you’ve heard otherwise, or there are some caveats. That’s what this article will get into. *In case you’re wondering, kibble is dry food artificially formed into ...
Dry, cereal-based pet foods (aka kibble) caught on during World War II, when tin rationing put a stop to non-essential canning. Pet owners were delighted because dry pet food was less messy, stinky, and more ...
No, we’re not talking about binge eating then purging delicious holiday meals. We’re talking about protecting your dogs and cats at a time when they will be exposed to lots of dropped food, guests secretly ...
Fetching Foods first podcast, and it was conducted by Chris Green of The Groomer Next Door fame!! If you haven’t signed up for his podcast or youtube channel, you should. Great interviews every week. It’s ...
Wouldn’t it be great if you could eat a fat slice of cheesecake and only absorb a fraction of the calories listed on the side of the box? That’s what happens with kibble (dry pet ...
How old is your dog? It’s not as simplistic as the old rule-of-thumb where 1 calendar year equals seven dog years. It’s a mix of health and genetics that determine your dog’s age. There’s not ...