There are lots of reasons to eat well. To control weight. Good digestion. To manage or mitigate diseases. Avoiding food allergies or sensitivities. Great dental health. And much more. But what about genetics?
Yes, genes.
All of the cells in our bodies are constantly dividing, regenerating, and dying, at different rates. The turnover ranges from every few days to years. With a few exceptions of course.
Dogs and Cats have TRILLIONS of cells in their bodies. Almost all need to be regenerated at some point. Copies of the cells that die off are regenerated using genes as the blueprint.
One simple way to visualize how diet affects cell regeneration is by thinking of diet as the copy machine. You’re making copies of copies, thousands of times or more.
Diet is how good the copy machine is. A great diet will help make the thousand copies of copies remain readable, and a terrible diet will make the copies unreadable at some point.
In other words, mutations and defects.
Recent studies now show environmental conditions, like poor diet, play an important role of how fetus’ genes can develop adult disease susceptibility.
A good diet has the right combination of nutrients and is low in oxidative stress, filled with good antioxidants. This helps make the gene replication more accurate.
At Fetching Foods we use a nutrigenomics approach to nutrition. Nutrigenomics is the scientific study of the interaction between nutrition and genes, particularly in relation to the prevention and treatment of disease.
All foods contain certain botanicals, amino acids, vitamins, antioxidants, and other nutrients that send signals to trigger gene expression.
To ensure the highest quality of gene expression, the best foods need to be used: whole, organic, humanely raised, and not genetically modified.
The best foods are whole fruits, cruciferous vegetables, as well as oils, eggs, fish, raw muscle and organ meats. All of these, and other functional foods, are part of the ingredient list at Fetching Foods, because of the immense health benefits that they provide to dogs and cats.
At Fetching Foods we make custom meals just for your pet using the CORRECT ingredients to maximize the genetic benefit. Plus it tastes great!
Epigenetic gene regulation: Linking early developmental environment to adult disease
Dana C.Dolinoy, Jennifer R.Weidman, Randy L.Jirtle